“‘经济全球化已死’是种错误看法。经济全球化并非不再发生,而是在不同地方出现。”渣打集团行政总裁温拓思(Bill Winters)认为。他举例道,东盟是多元化地区,近年来中国-东盟经贸走廊快速增长,带来非常多商业机会。例如印尼已承担电动车供应链生产重要部分,其他国家也有相应优势产业和资源,成为其经济驱动力。
"Brazil and China have broad prospects for cooperation, and I regard my Chinese friends as brothers and sisters." Adair Caneiro, Chairman of Federation Chambers of Foreign Trade (FCCE) of Brazil, told China News Network. He said that China is Brazil's largest trading partner, and the friendship between the two countries is continuously deepening. The Brazilian people have a great affection for the Chinese people, and the business takes place in China is worth learning from.