"Brazil and China have broad prospects for cooperation, and I regard my Chinese friends as brothers and sisters." Adair Caneiro, Chairman of Federation Chambers of Foreign Trade (FCCE) of Brazil, told China News Network. He said that China is Brazil's largest trading partner, and the friendship between the two countries is continuously deepening. The Brazilian people have a great affection for the Chinese people, and the business takes place in China is worth learning from.
全国人大常委会11月8日批准增加6万亿元地方政府债务限额置换存量隐性债务。据了解,11月9日,财政部将6万亿元债务限额下达各地,指导督促地方抓紧履行法定程序,稳妥做好发行工作,妥善安排债券资金。财政部目前正在加强对地方的政策指导,用好6万亿元地方政府债务限额,更好发挥增量政策效应。部分省份已经启动发行工作,加快政策落实落地。(中新财经 谢艺观 梁家源)